Friday, October 13, 2006


as·pi·ra·tion : noun : a strong desire to achieve something high or great; b : an object of such desire.

Some aspire to be superheroes. They want to make a difference not only to the people around us but to the world. Some aspire to excel at their careers, at their sport, at anything they do. Some aspire to be in the history books. To discover, to create, to achieve greatness.

Some aspire to do well and perhaps not achieve superhero-greatness but just be great in their own lives: aspire to be a good friend, a good son/daughter, a good parent, husband/wife, bill payer, house keeper, etc.

Some have no aspirations. Maybe they have dreams but don't feel them to be attainable. Maybe they stopped aspiring because of all the failure in their lives. Maybe they were taught that success just happens to other people -- the lucky people. I think a lot of people live with the aspiration that you should skate through life without working hard. And those are the people who wonder why they weren't selected in this World of Luck and Chance to be the The Chosen One.

What are your aspirations? Who do you want to be? What do you want to achieve, and are you doing it? Are you on the right track? If not, how can you get there?

Currently, I aspire to be a good mother who will have a long-lasting close relationship with my daughter. I aspire to be the parent that my child can come to for advice, friendship and a soft place to fall. I aspire to create a well-rounded child who is compassionate, strong-willed and driven. I aspire to teach my child that they sky is the limit and that failure is just a part of the lesson. I aspire to be a good tennis player that can win a local tournament or two (I've got a long way to go for that!). I aspire to be a good wife. And I will never aspire to being a good housekeeper (sorry, dear husband, but I hope you can realize the difference.)

Perhaps you can share with me what your aspirations are right at this moment and if you feel you are achieving them. And if not, perhaps you should tweek your aspirations to be achievable for you. Dream. Aspire. Live.


At Oct 14, 2006, 1:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange I've been thinking a lot about goals, dreams and aspirations recently.

While I've failed many times in my life, I keep trying. I don't know if I'll ever succeed, I refuse to give up. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I hope you achieve your goals!


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