Lisa Reincarnated
Growing up, I had two different sets of friends: my school friends, and my block friends. Obviously, my school friends were fellow classmates, and my block friends were different ages, but we all hung out together on our block. When I was about 8 or 9, I had a friend named Lisa, who lived across the street from me. She was 3 years older, blonde, pretty and I looked up to her. She even taught me how to ride a bike.
But Lisa was my sadistic friend. She was the ring leader when the kids on the block decided to pick on me. I told her I had a crush on a boy in class, and she told everyone about it and they would tease me endlessly. I would always ignore the fact that she started and participated in making my life a living hell. I just wanted to be her friend, and would do anything to spend time with her.
I can remember one time when I had this great collection of Barbies with the house and all the furniture. The dining room was my prized possession with all of its tiny plates, cups and silverware. I had brought all my stuff over to our Mei's house and the three of us played together. And just as I should have suspected, Mei & Lisa conspired against me, pretended to wrestle, and purposefully broke my table and chairs as they threw themselves on top of them. I was pissed and hurt. And I felt like such a sucker for even thinking that they wouldn't treat me this way.
Anyway, these memories come back today because the woman that I share PTA responsibilities with (of all things) reminds me of Lisa. Not necessarily her personality traits (although some do compare) but how she makes me feel. She makes me feel 9 years old again, and I'm giving her permission to step all over me. There are only two of us on this PTA Committee and I have done everything. Sure, she'll show up for fundraisers and help out with distributing packages, but I handle all the logistics, the money, and managing every project.
At the end of last year, I told her I was burnt out and that I wanted her to run with the next fund raiser, a candy drive. I gave her a contact name and told her to run with it. Today, she hands me a giant box of stuff and says, "Oh, this is yours. Everyone knows how horrible I am at this, so you're going to have to do it." Who the hell is everyone and if she's horrible at this stuff, why the hell is she on the PTA?????? I just said OK with this puzzled look on my face, took the box and got into my car.
That was at 9:30am, and I'm still furious. The problem is, I am such a wuss and for me to muster up the courage to someone whom I feel just bullied me, is going to take everything I have. Not sure how I'm going to address this yet but I really have to if I'm going to keep that little 9-year-old girl in the past.
Labels: friends, old friends
Remember when you were young and you thought you had this "great" friend and now you look back and think "why was I friends with her?"
I have found myself making the same mistake in adulthood when choosing friends, chums, buddies, etc. It doesn't sound like it will take you as long to catch on as it did me...I really enjoy your site.
thanks, cindy! sometimes I wonder if people can relate to my woes... ;-)
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